Nifty Search Form

Nifty Search Form

This Advanced but simple to use Search Form is unbelievably easy to set-up. Just create a query and a subform. Following the comprehensive Video Instructions, which demonstrate how to add this incredible utility to your database. Establish yourself as the “Go To” person in your organisation for database improvements! Nifty Access Drop in “Nifty Components” will quickly elevate you to “Power User Level!” 

Search Form Demo

Advanced Search Form

Video 1 (1:03)

Demonstration of the search forms features, in particular you have the option to search the beginning middle and ending of text formatting characters.

Video 1 (1:03)

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Search Form - Setting it up

Search Form - Set-up

Video 2 (8:30)

In this Video I Demonstrate how to change the Form, from showing products to showing customers. I demonstrate the steps, and also some traps you might fall into in following this process.

Video 2 (8:30)

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Search Form - Add a Field

Search Form - Add a Field

Video 3 (3:58)

In this video I demonstrate how easy it is to search another field. For example had a search on customer reference. Bear in mind that the “Nifty Search Form” is only designed to search “text”. It’s not designed to search numbers, dates, – things like that…

Video 3 (3:58)

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Search Form - Blast Through!

Search Form - Blast Through!

Video 4 (4:12)

In this video I’m just going to do a quick “Blast Through” – see how quickly I can set up the “Nifty Search Form” from scratch… This is me being surprisingly quiet, except for a few Mouse clicks…

Video 4 (4:12)

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Search Form Example

Search Form Example

Video 5 (00:57)

In helping a member of Access World Forums with a Search Problem, I demonstrated how it could be done with the Nifty Access Search Form. You can see the original question at this link on Access World Forums (AWF):- Multi field search-box and you can see how my Search Form answer to the question by watching this YouTube video.

Video 5 (00:57)

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The original question posted, and the various answers given by the excellent members of Access World Forums can be seen in this thread here:-

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Nifty Search Form Adding NULL

Nifty Search Form Adding NULL

Video 6 (2:42)

This is the first of two videos looking at the code behind the Search Form. It will be of interest to anyone who wants to modify the search form for their own purposes. It will be of little interest to anyone else! This code came about through a special request from one of my customers. As requested, I have updated the “Nifty Search Form”… The “Nifty Search Form” now searches for “Exact Matches” and “Null values” This video shows the necessary Adjustment to the SQL Statement produced by the the Search Form VBA code. I made the video as an aide de memoire to record the modifications I made and the decisions Behind Those modifications.

Video 6 (2:42)

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Search Form with NULL and EXACT

Search Form with NULL and EXACT

Video 7 (4:12)

This is the Second Video concerning the recent alteration to the “Search Form” Code. This video will be helpful to anyone who wants to alter the code behind the Search Form. It will be of little interest to anyone else! In answer to a customer request I have updated the “Nifty Search Form”… The “Nifty Search Form” now searches for “Exact Matches” and “Null values” This video shows the necessary Adjustment to the SQL Statement produced by the the Search Form VBA code. I made the video as an aide de memoire to record the modifications I made and the decisions Behind Those modifications.

Video 7 (4:12)

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