Delete Tables

Delete Tables

There are various options for deleting tables. I will gradually build up this webpage with more options as time permits. However before you delete “ANYTHING” in your MS Access Database, make a backup first! It’s amazing even the most seasoned professionals can fall foul of this Brain Fart!

Delete Tables

Delete Tables

Video 1 (01:52)

In this video I demonstrate the Nifty Access drop-in component which you can easily add to your own MS Access Database. All you need to do is download the ZIP file below, unzip it to your computer. Then copy the two forms:- “frmDeleteSelectedTables” & “sfrmTables” into the database where you want to delete the tables. This video was in answer to this question here:- on Access World Forums (AWF) To be advised as to any improvements to this code then by all means FOLLOW Nifty Access AND you will be kept informed of product improvements and new products. Enter your Email Address Below:-

Video 1 (01:52)

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