Nifty Container

Nifty Container

The “Nifty Container” offers you a graphical way of managing the controls on your form. All you do is surround a group of controls with a box, choose one of the coding examples, or write your own, and there you go, you have a simple and easy-to-use method, which avoids using your Control(s) Tag Property, (the usual method of doing this) which you might well want to use for something else. There are many ways to identify controls on your form for particular attention. This “Nifty Container” idea I have developed is unique, I haven’t come across it anywhere else. All you do is draw a box around the group of controls you want to handle. You might want to make sure that the controls have text entries, you might want to make sure that at least one of the controls has an entry, anything you want to do to a group of controls can be done with the “Nifty Container” system, and at the same time avoids using the controls Tag property…

Nifty Container - Demo

Nifty Container - Demo

Video 1 (5:08)

Well here it is! Another drop in component from Nifty Access. The “Nifty Container” provides an alternative way to handle a “Block of Controls” on your form. Instead of using the “Tag Property”. This method utilizes a simple rectangle as a Container to surround a bunch of controls. Call the code and it will cycle through the objects within the rectangle and alter them to your specific programming requirements.

Video 1 (5:08)

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