Message Box Builder

Nifty Message Box Builder

My blogs on message boxes have been very popular. I did a presentation on how you can write your own message box code here:-

Advanced Message Box

It’s relatively straightforward, if you know the type of message box you want, but if you don’t know, you can do a lot of faffing about before you get it right!!! I’ve come up with this “Nifty Message Box Builder” which allows you to choose from the options, review the message box to see if it’s what you want. Then you can create the code and post it straight in to your database, just where you want! I provide demonstration on how to do this. I go through the various message box options showing the advantages and disadvantages of each. There’s also one message box for which I’ve got no idea what it’s for!

90 - Different Message Boxes - 90

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Nifty Message Box Builder

Nifty Message Box Builder

Video 1 (15:52)

In this video I demonstrate how easy it is to use the Nifty Message Box Builder to create, around – 90 odd – different versions of a Message Box! I point out a couple of pitfalls. I run through creating the message box code which is used by, and called from a button. The Command Button, offering the user the option to back out of duplicating the currently selected Record. The first 6 records stored in the Nifty Message Box Builder Database are templates. You can select the Template you like, duplicate it, and then modify it to your hearts content. A single button Click Displays the Message Box Design your choices have created. Quickly and easily make changes to the message box to get it absolutely perfect. Once your happy with the design of the message box you can generate the VBA Code version of it, copy the VBA code, placing the code in your database. An example of generating the VBA version of the message box and adding the VBA version to a database is also shown in the video…

Video 1 (15:52)

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More - Message Box Blogs Here:-

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More Useful Stuff HERE:-

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