Is This Control a Hyperlink

Is This Control a Hyperlink?

Gasman asked the Question:- Hi all, In the Northwind 2007 database, the id control on the form for Customer List appears to be a hyperlink. However I can not see how this is done.? The isHyperlink property is set to no. Al I can find is in the Tag property HyperlinkToDetails~FormName=Customer Details~SourceID=ID I think it is quite a nice feature and perhaps would want to use it when I create my database, if I can find out how it is done. TIA

Is This Control a Hyperlink?

Is this Control a Hyperlink

Video 1 (5:15)

The Northwind Sample Database has some controls that look like hyperlinks. However in this video I demonstrate that they are not hyperlinks, and I also demonstrate how to convert a macro into VBA

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