Universal Filter

Universal Filter

The Nifty Universal Filter was created in answer to this question on Access World Forums (AWF):- https://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/threads/search-form-by-field-yes-no.317953/#post-1768264 – I call it a universal filter because in the process of testing, I tested it against one of the MS “Northwind Database” Tables the “Products Table”… The products table had a checkbox to denote if a product has been discontinued. With a bit of faffing about I managed to get a combo-box setup which could interrogate this checkbox/Boolean field. By accident, I managed to create two distinct combo boxes, combo boxes with different characteristics. I could take advantage of these differences and the combos could be treated by the VBA code in a different manner. This Discovery allowed me to create the two types of combo box, one for returning a chosen value from in the combo and the other for deciding whether to show the Boolean values as “Yes” “No” or “ALL”…

Universal Filter

Universal Filter

Video 1 (2:30)

Universal Filter from Nifty Access

Two different types of Combo Boxes

  • A Combo that Filters a boolean field:- Yes, No, All
  • A Combo that Filters from a List 

Category Combo – Filters by Category
Soups, Candy, Serial, Grain…

Filter by Availability – (Boolean)

  • All Soups
  • Available Soups
  • Discontinued Soups

Universal Filter

Video 1 (2:30)

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