Tab Controls

Tab Controls

You can use a “Tab Control” to present several pages of related information.

A “Tab Control” allows you to squeeze more information on to your Form, making it possible to have a smaller Form, or have a more “information dense” Form. You can also place subforms on your Tabs.

See my Pagination blog for more information.

Pagination of the Three Pages

There’s some excellent information about Tab Controls on Luke Chung’s website FMS Here:-

I created the code for the “Password Protected Tab” Below, to answer a specific question on Access World Forums (AWF) here:- Tab Control Password 

Difficulty Placing Control on Tab

Difficulty Placing Control on Tab

Video 1 (01:15 to 06:35)

It can be a fiddly job placing controls on a “Tab Page” in Microsoft Access. I discovered that the best way to do this consistently is to have the the “Property Sheet”. With the “Property Sheet” open, you can see see the name of the the object you have selected (at the top of the property sheet) thereby enabling you to be sure that you are selecting and placing the correct object in the correct place.

Video 1 (01:15 to 06:35)

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Password Protected Tab

Password Protected Tab

Video 2 (01:18)

I created this code in 2005, thought it was about time I updated it! You should be able to see how the code is constructed in the video, and there’s enough information for you to be able to reproduce it yourself. You might want to download this sample database, and at the same time, buy me a coffee! Alternatively, if you want a free copy of the Code, then contact me and I can tell you how you can get a free copy.

Video 2 (01:18)

Nifty Access YouTube Thumb Nail
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… …

More Useful Stuff HERE:-

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