Nifty Switchboard Builder

Nifty Switchboard Builder

One of the best add-in features of Microsoft Access is the Switchboard. It’s been around as long as I can remember! However it’s a bitch to use, the interface is just well, bad… I have used the Switchboard many times, but I avoid the interface, I edit directly in the table structure. The beauty of the Switchboard, is, it’s a fantastic example of Data Driven Programming. I have been slowly building my own interface for this excellent combination of “Table” and “Switchboard Form (VBA )” provided by Microsoft. Here are videos demoing the Nifty Switchboard Builder in use:-

Nifty Switchboard - Run Through

Nifty Switchboard Builder

Video 1 (01:57)

This is a quick run through of the switch board builder demonstrating its simplicity and ease of use. Adding this facility to your MS Access database will not only make your job much easier, but it will make the job of anyone using your database much easier as well!

Video 1 (01:57)

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Using the Nifty Switchboard Builder

Using the Nifty Switchboard Builder

Video 2 (07:47)

In this YouTube video I demonstrate some of the excellent features incorporated into this Nifty Switchboard Builder. You can easily open Forms, Reports, Queries, Macros and even VBA code through this interface! Changing the position of an item on a Switchboard Page is as easy as pressing a button! In fact that’s what you do, you press a Command Button! And again adding a new page, just call up a pop-up form, enter the name of the new page and press a button and you’ve got a new page! I demo the VBA feature, however I only scratched the surface of what can be done with this. For example you can open Forms with a Custom VBA Routine, thereby modifying the Forms look and feel directly through the information you pass through from the switchboard.

Video 2 (07:47)

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Nifty Switchboard Builder - Fix Missing Row

Nifty Switchboard Builder - Fix Missing Row

Video 3 (01:10)

When removing a menu item from the Switchboard “Menu” with the Switchboard Builder it leaves a blank space in the Row. This may or may not be desirable. If it’s not desirable then the solution is to effectively remove the Space by moving the lower Items up the list.

Video 3 (01:10)

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Finding the Microsoft Switchboard Builder

Finding the Microsoft Switchboard Builder

Video 4 (09:59)

From MS Access 2010 and UP – Microsoft, in its Wisdom has decided to hide the switchboard manager! I’m wondering if this is a prelude to getting rid of it! In this video Tom Fragale explain how to find the switchboard manager and add it to your database.

Video 4 (09:59)

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FREE - Switchboard Builder from Microsoft

FREE - Switchboard Builder from Microsoft

Video 5 (06:26)

I like to provide a free option where possible. In this case the free option is the original switchboard manager from Microsoft. This Video, by Tom Fragale, titled:- Access switchboard manager – creating a main menu in Access 2010 Tutorial Access 2013 2007 2016 — Demonstrates the original Switchboard Manager from Microsoft. This is the free option, if you want to add a switchboard to your database and you don’t want to pay for my super duper “Nifty Switchboard Builder”, then this is the option for you.

Video 5 (06:26)

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More Useful Stuff HERE:-

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