Nifty Option Group – With 7 Stars

Nifty Option Group – With 7 Stars

The "Nifty Option Group" - With Images!

The “Nifty Option Group with Seven Stars” evolved out of the Nifty Option Group based on Wingding Characters. More details on my website here:- Nifty Option Group – Wingdings. The Wingding Character Option Group is still available, and useful, because it doesn’t need any images. Hence it’s more suited to simpler database setups. Creating the “Nifty Option Group” using images was always on the cards, it was something I aspired to, I wanted to get it working, but I realised there were some issues, where to store the images? How to load them? These problems were solvable and solved, and hey presto! I’ve got a Nifty Option Group” that looks fantastic!

The " 7-Star Rating System"

Completely out of the blue I created the 7-Star rating system. By making a small change in the code, I could have the “Nifty Option Group” display a set of characters from the beginning up to the one clicked on. In other words, it’s a rating system. I replaced the smiley faces with a Star and now have a 7-Star rating system. I call it a 7-Star rating system because that’s how many stars I happened to create. Having 7 Stars also differentiates my product name from anything else. I should imagine “5 Star” is quite a popular search term.


Pre-order the Upgrade "Nifty Option Group" AND GET A BONUS!!!

Pre-order the Upgrade "Nifty Option Group" AND GET A BONUS!!!

Video 1 (2:28)


Video 1 (2:28)

Nifty Access YouTube Thumb Nail
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Star Rating Option -BONUS!


… …

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