Checklist User Case Examples

Checklist User Case Examples

Instructions on how to create a check-list and even multiple CheckLists in your MS Access database are available in several Blogs on this website. See links below. Once you have mastered the art of creating a Check List with this useful information, then it’s a very easy Step to remove the Check Box from the check-list and replace it with a text-box, and in some cases even a combo-box. With the skill you’ve already mastered in creating a checklist, you should find these modifications suggested here a doddle! The modifications add some really Nifty functionality to your MS Access Database. In this blog I offer some insight in what can be done.

Want a Questionnaire in MS Access?

Adding a Questionnaire to MS Access

Video 1 (5:16)

Adding a Questionnaire to your MS Access Database

Take the knowledge you have acquired from developing the Single Check List, the Multiple Check List, and now I show how to  use that knowledge to create a questionnaire for your database

Video 1 (5:16)

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Document Batches of Case Files (MS Access) 

Case Files

Video 2 (5:16)

Document Batches of Case Files with MS Access Database

Take the knowledge you have acquired from developing the Single Check List, the Multiple Check List, and now I show how to  use that knowledge to create a way of Documenting Batches of Case Files

Video 2 (5:16)

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Questionnaire with Multi Choice!

Heading HERE...

Video 3 (01:31)

By incorporating my Call Called Class Module I was able to quickly set up this popup form. The popup gathers information from the user. This makes for a very useful and comprehensive method of filling in a questionnaire… An option to have a “custom answer” could be added, in other words more information or comments…

Video 3 (01:31)

Nifty Access YouTube Thumb Nail
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… …

More Useful Stuff HERE:-

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