Access Table to Many Excel Sheets

Access Table to Many Excel Sheets

This handy product from Nifty Access allows you to complete a difficult labour intensive process with ease without using any code! This drop-in component will automatically enhance your MS Access skills, helping you to become the go-to person in your organisation for database development. All the code is available in the sample database, you can explore it, modify it and use it for your own Devices!

Table to Many Excel Sheets - Nifty Access

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Private Function fSQL_Data( )

					Private Function fSQL_Data(lngMasterID As Long) As String
Dim strSubName As String
Dim strModuleName As String

strSubName = "fSQL_Data"
strModuleName = "Form - " & Me.Name

On Error GoTo Error_Handler


    Exit Function

        Select Case Err.Number
            Case 0.123 'When Required, Replace Place Holder (0.123) with an Error Number
                MsgBox "Error produced by Place Holder please check your code !  Error Number >>>  " _
                & Err.Number & "  Error Desc >>  " & Err.Description, , conAppName
            Case Else
                MsgBox "Error From --- " & strModuleName & ", " & strSubName & " --- Error Number >>>  " & Err.Number _
                & "  <<< Error Description >>  " & Err.Description, , conAppName
        End Select
    Resume Exit_ErrorHandler

End Function      'fSQL_Data

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